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VIC-3D Micro 显微系统

2023/9/23 16:12:40发布79次查看
vic-3d micro 显微系统 产品详情
vic-3d micro™ microscopy
correlated solutions, inc.出品的vic-3d micro™系统是vic-3d系列测量解决方案产品线的新成员。 vic-3d micro可在高放大倍数下实现精确的位移和应变测量。
thevic-3d micro™systemby correlated solutions, inc.is a new addition to the vic-3d product line of measurement solutions. vic-3d micro enables accurate displacement and strain measurements under high magnification.
three-dimensional digital image correlation (dic) has found widespread popularity for strain measurements due to its excellent accuracy, robustness and ease of use. however, 3d measurements have been difficult to obtain on specimens where high magnification is required. this is mainly due to the lack of optics with sufficient depth-of-field to acquire two high magnification images from different viewing angles.
stereo microscopes overcome these depth-of-field limitations. however, the internal construction of stereo microscopes prevents proper correction of image distortions using traditional models, such as seidel lens distortions. these uncorrected images will result in severely biased shape and strain measurements. in fact, it is not uncommon to observe bias levels of several thousand microstrain.
为了克服这个问题,csi公司开发了一种易于使用的标定方法,该方法不会遇到与传统参数失真模型相关的问题。 该标定方法计算立体显微镜的非参数畸变场,并已被证实可完全消除测量中的形貌和应变偏差。
to overcome this problem, correlated solutions, inc., has developed an easy-to-use calibration method that does not suffer from the problems associated with traditional parametric distortion models. the calibration method computes the non-parametric distortion fields of the stereo microscope and has been shown to completely eliminate shape and strain bias from the measurements.
系统特性 system features
视场范围(变焦范围):0.8mm-7mm三维坐标,位移,速度和完整应变张量的全场测量自动标定图像匹配可以通过简单的调整自动重叠强大的数据可视化工具数据云图显示可以覆盖在测试样本的图像上根据用户定义的线条和圆圈从3d图中提取数据用于统计分析、应力 - 应变曲线等数据的后处理工具使用flexporttm数据工具方便地输出数据数据可以以tecplot /纯ascii,matlab和stl格式输出节点数据可以轻松提取用于fea验证一年的技术支持和软件升级7*24小时提供实时技术支持同时提供现场支持和咨询所有部件材料和/或制造缺陷的一年更换保修field of view (zoom range): 0.8mm-7mmfull-field measurements of 3d coordinates, displacements, velocities, and complete strain tensorsautomatic calibrationimage pairs can be automatically overlapped with a simple adjustmentpowerful tools for visualizing datacontour displays which can be overlaid onto images of the test specimendata extraction from 3d plots based on user defined lines and circlespost-processing tools for statistical analysis, stress-strain curves, and moreconvenient exporting of data with the flexporttmdata tooldata can be exported in tecplot/plain ascii, matlab, and stl formatsnode data can be easily extracted for fea validationone year of technical support and software upgradeslive technical support is available 7*24 hon-site support and consulting is also availableone-year replacement warranty for defects in materials and/or workmanship on all parts.


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